‘You can take his information into the street one minute after you hear it and turn it into money.’
Jeffrey Gitomer is a creative, on-the-edge, writer and speaker whose expertise on sales, customer loyalty and personal development is world-renowned. Known for presentations, seminars and keynote addresses that are funny, insightful and real, Jeffrey Gitomer gives audiences information they can take out in the street one minute after the presentation is over and turn it into money.
Jeffrey Gitomer was awarded the designation of Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) by the National Speakers Association. The CSP award has been given fewer than 500 times in the past 25 years and is the association’s highest earned award. In August, 2008, Jeffrey Gitomer was inducted into the National Speaker Association’s (NSA) Speaker Hall of Fame. The designation, CPAE (Counsel of Peers Award for Excellence), honors professional speakers who have reached the top echelon of performance excellence.